- a little bit of everything in life
Posted by Sherry at 9:47 AM 0 comments Labels: creativ festival, toronto
I've finished this lunch bag for quite a while. As you can see, I've been ignoring this blog for 2 month or so :P Ok, hopefully, I'll have the time to catch up with all the photographs this weekend. For this sewing project, the fabric is from Ikea, the pattern is exactly like my keyboard cover, it's just the color is navy blue. Thanks to a nice pal on ravelry who sent me this pattern. It's a lunch bag from Kitchen Stuff Plus. I made a few modification, no zippers (it's really beyond my sewing skills), and a bit taller. Overall, I am quite happy about it.
Posted by Sherry at 10:29 PM 0 comments
I have been neglecting my blog for a while. :P I am kind of slow in terms of my knitting project, because I am using a fine yarn to knit a summer top, it's just going so slowly. The yarn is from Korea, soy and bamboo mix. At the mean time, I re-decorated my powder room. I've always wanted a dark color room, but I don't have the guts to try a dark paint color in my bedroom. After a few weeks of research, I am convinced that powder room is the best place to start it. Here's what I have, changes are:
- new paint (from CIL, "Purple Granite")
- new bathroom lighting (from Canadian Tire)
- glass shelf (from Home Depot)
- towel ring (from Home Depot)
- toilet paper holder (from Ikea)
The original room does not have anything except the mirror and simple lighting. I love the paint color, dark grey purple, it looks very sophisticated. I still need to some framed arts on the wall, and a nice soap dispenser.
Posted by Sherry at 3:01 PM 0 comments
The weather in Toronto has been comfortable, not really like summer yet. I finished several knitting projects these 2 month, but was just lazy to take pictures of them. I find that it's quite hard to take the pictures by myself. haha...But here are a few updates for my gardening. I've planted a few lettuce, hoping that I can have fresh salads during summer months. They've been growing quite well. :)
The second picture is the baby orchid that I hi-jacked from my mom several month ago. There are two new braches growing at the bottom. It's a bit weird, but at least it tells me it's healthy.
Posted by Sherry at 10:58 AM 0 comments
I never thought that there are so much work in lawn care. :P I've been busy lately since the spring is here. Ok, I guess my lawn is not horrible, but I really love to see a nice and thick green lawn. After reading through a long post on redflagdeals.com, I finally had a plan. Bought some grass seeds, top soil, lawn fertilizer, but mann, it's not as easy as I thought. LOL...
There's a small shady area in the corner of my backyard, I decided to plant some Lily of the Valley there. Wow, I have to say the flower is just beautiful, small, but very elegant. I hope it will survive and grow well there. I'll try post some pictures later.
I have been following The Geswein Family for a while now. The family's journey in Tianjin, China has been an interesting and fun read. Kimberly visits Tianjin orphage very often, and takes the children to McDonald weekly. Believe me, the smiles on those children will make your day! I just learned that one of the girls with special needs at the orphage going to have a permanent home in US, an amazing family, http://always-in-myheart.blogspot.com. To be honest, I've never seen a family that adopted so many children from China, especially those with special needs. The smiles on those kids are just....so amazing...
Posted by Sherry at 3:53 PM 0 comments Labels: gardening, life